

Sony KDL EX700 second board on LED TV based LCD, Sony tested this year. If read critically KDL-NX800, there are more similarities than differences between the two. The difference in price - from $ 400 for 46-inch and two series - leads to an improvement in your style, creating a Wi-Fi, and a few other minor improvements in NX800, but somehow lost the presence of innovative sensors. "EX700 This function converts the image switches itself off after leaving the room, and you can actually consume less energy if you tend to rely on television. Even without the sensor, the less energy-sipping HD LED TV Sony KDL EX700 Any TV that you have tried - but we hope that other LED TV models this year show similar results will be reviewed.

detailed comparison of consumers will be surprised to find Sony's almost the same picture quality. The main difference is that the yield has HD LED TV Sony KDL EX700 opaque screen, and beyond the call clarity of a seemingly monolithic NX800 - in the sunny living room, I prefer matte. HD LED TV Sony KDL EX700 image is not a surprise for all who seek the center for film and television, but to get permission from his brother in practice more expensive for buyers who want more video over the Internet for exceptional energy efficiency.